10 Goth Bands Featuring Black Musicians

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund: https://www.naacpldf.org/

Bands featured in this video:

1. Bastet: https://bastet.bandcamp.com/

2. Fearing: https://fearing.bandcamp.com/

3. NATURE: https://futurenowrecords.bandcamp.com/

4. O. Children: https://ochildren.bandcamp.com/music

5. Pitch After Dark: https://pitchafterdark.bandcamp.com/

6. Scary Black: https://scaryblack.bandcamp.com/

7. Shadow Age: https://shadowage.bandcamp.com/

8. Sisters of Shaddowwe: https://sistersofshaddowwe.bandcamp.com/

9. The Ire: https://theire.bandcamp.com/

10. The Wraith: https://thewraithpunk.bandcamp.com/

Cadaver Kelly